Sunday, December 30, 2012

How To Play a Piano for Beginners

People from all over the world aspire to learn how to play a piano, a musical instrument that is essential to various styles of music and provider of eclectic and romantic sound.  For beginners, learning the basics is all it takes to start playing the full songs in the piano. 

With that said, the piano only has black and white keys.  Specifically, the piano has a total of 88 keys and 12 notes – seven are white and five are black.  White keys are named A thru G while black keys are given the same letters plus either a “#” sign, which is read as sharp or a “b” sign, which is read as flat.    

The best way to learn how to play a piano is to know the note called Middle C.  If you have a piano in front of you, sit and point to Middle C.  Look at the image below.  

Now we will play what is called a C Major Scale.  Start at Middle C, then directly to the right of it is D – as we continue playing keys to the right, after D ,you will play E, F, G, A, B, then finally return to C.  This last C has a higher tone (octave higher) than Middle C.  This collection of keys, when played, is called the C Major Scale in musical terms.  However, this scale does not need to start with Middle C as you may start and end on any C of your choice on the keyboard.  Congrats that’s already an accomplishment.   Scales like the one you just played are used to create melodies and to construct chords.  A chord happens when you play three of more notes simultaneously.  Play C Major Scale again but skip the notes D and F, so you will only play C, E, and G.  These 3 notes form a chord called triad – this means there are three notes in the chord.  So, since you now know C Major Scale why don’t you play it once more to be sure you have memorized it completely.        
As you will learn in the future, the most interesting melodies are composed with different chords, not just one.  Another chord that can be played using only white keys is the F chord.  This chord is composed of keys F, A, and C.  I think you have done a fantastic job.  Get more free tutorials by visiting my website and learning how to play a piano fast. 

1 comment:

  1. This is perfect for me because I really want to learn how to play piano. With your blog, I can easily know the basic steps to play piano. Anyway, I saw a good site about piano software and I think they also have a lot of piano tutorial there. Just visit here and browse all the piano tutorial if you have time.
